This road trip features a trip to India’s beautiful western coast to Mulki (Near Mangalore) in the Konkan belt, including a camping and Kayaking trip across the Shambhavi river. Read Part-1 and Part-2 here if you landed on this post directly.

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Siesta, Not Quite

As I tried sleeping harder, my father called me to generally check, where we were. I told him about the mishap with the car and the spectacles and asked him, if he could get on a bus and come here to Mulki to drive us down back home. So I had to book tickets on the limited 4G signal, and I ended up booking the tickets twice, since I entered my age for my dad’s ticket. Sleepy, but not quite in slumber, I re booked the ticket on KSRTC and then just when I thought I could sleep, the other folks got up, to be in time for the next evening paddle trip to the nearby Palimar Dam.  I looked at Nandu, who was fast asleep. Waking Nandu up requires a few minutes of cajoling, unless there is a Spiderman movie coming right now. I took 10 minutes to wake him up, and took him to the washroom to wash his face and pick up our dry bag to take the minimum items on our paddle. Nandu was paired with Movin from KayakBoy, while I paired myself with Rakesh on the kayak.

Getting Ready for Palimar Dam

Given that not everyone was coming, I decided to find a new coloured kayak and a new paddle. I was waiting for my arms to ache, as i warned by friends that Kayaking can be heavy on the arms, but surprisingly, I was perfectly fine, without any sore arm. I was just sore in my mind, about being partially blind, without my spectacles.

Movin from KayakBoy getting ready

Movin from KayakBoy getting ready


Kayaking with Rakesh to Palimar Dam

Kayaking with Rakesh to Palimar Dam

A few minutes of Kayaking with Rakesh, and I started to be mentally be a little more relaxed, and connected back with nature. The milder evening sun and an enthusiastic bunch of people to travel with, also made the mood lighter. We reached the dam in about 15 minutes of Kayaking at about 5 pm. The check-dam had water spurting through it, and apart from the layers of moss near it and the few rocks below, one had nothing to fear. So, I had to make sure Nandu, just followed a bunch of steps and precautions to make sure, we find a safe spot to enjoy the evening sun.

Nandu wanted to swim over the dam with his life jacket on, so it took some convincing to say that its not a good idea, and he had to stay near all of us. I guess I made it up, by allowing some extended time at the check dam point, where he enjoyed it.

Nandu waiting with glee to jump into water at Palimar Dam (Near Mulki in Konkan Karnataka)

Nandu waiting with glee to jump into water at Palimar Dam (Near Mulki in Konkan Karnataka)

Sitting on the Check Dam in Pallimar (Mulki on the Konkan Karnataka part)

Sitting on the Check Dam in Pallimar (Mulki on the Konkan Karnataka part)

Bathing in the check-dam at Palimar (Near Mulki in Konkan Karnataka)

Bathing in the check-dam at Palimar (Near Mulki in Konkan Karnataka)

The sun sets on the beach, but we were not able to make it since it took a while for most of us to leave the charm of the Palimar Dam. But before we left most of us made the most of a beautiful evening by jumping and bathing in the waters.  It was easier paddling during the sunset to get back to the camp.

Paddling back to the camp at Mulki

Paddling back to the camp at Mulki

Nearing the Camp after sunset

Nearing the Camp after sunset

Campfire and Dinner


Feeling Warm on a winter evening in Mulki

Feeling Warm on a winter evening in Mulki (PC: Rakesh Rajan)

The evening session was very relaxed and started with the fire being lit. Close to it was a barbecue being done by Sushant from Kayakboy. We all started playing a game, by introducing ourselves and saying 2 truths and a lie about us. Most of us failed miserably at the lying part, but it was good fun trying to know people.

The fear of mosquitoes was there, but I don’t remember being mobbed by them, as I was comfortably seated on the trekkinng chairs (the ones you get at Decathlon), and listening to everyone talk. The campsite is basically the open garden (and a very large one) of a local’s house, so I went in every now and then to charge my devices.

It was beautiful looking at the fire below and the night sky above with stars, out of a little patch of land surrounded by tall trees all over.  Dinner was served in a while, with Rice/Rotis and a vegetable curry. The best part however was the remnants of the butter milk they gave in the afternoon. I retired to bed at about 1030 pm, to sleep well, and wake up at 5 am, so as to manage time at the toilet. 2 toilets and 40 bums to compete with is a challenge I would not put my stomach to, early in the morning, so I’d rather sleep early.

I went inside the tent, and curled into my sleeping bag, with my phone by my side, content that I had managed to show Nandu, an interesting side to travel : Camping!

Barbecue Evening : Paneer begins its journey into our stomachs

Barbecue Evening : Paneer begins its journey into our stomachs (PC: Rakesh Rajan)

Morning: Rise and Shine

The next morning, I woke up early as planned, and loved the early morning misty-chill vibe of the place, and as light dawned on the camp, most of us had woken up to pack up, and get started to paddle along the tide. I stayed back, coming with the last batch along with Nandu, to take in the surroundings a bit. I had a quick idly breakfast with morning tea, and fed Nandu much earlier than his usual eating time. Luckily it was done easily.

I double checked if any items were left behind either in the house or the tents, and everything was fine. I had an extended catch up session with a few of the group members, and started this time with Arjun (From Wandermile) behind me on the Kayak.

The early risers packing up

The early risers packing up

Beautiful Views to sip morning chai!

Beautiful Views to sip morning chai!

Pack Up Time

Pack Up Time

Camp Site-Kayak Parking on Shambhavi River (Mulki-Karnataka)

Camp Site-Kayak Parking on Shambhavi River (Mulki-Karnataka)

To The Private Beach!

Our next and final destination, before finishing the trip was to paddle our way across the 10 km stretch of the Shambhavi river to reach a private island stretch, keep our kayaks, walk a bit to the beach side of the island and enjoy the waves, before we get back to the KayakBoy Delta point (starting point)

While we got there this time, a little faster than the onward journey, this time it was more fun, since the weather was better and we knew what to expect.  Just like the previous day, Movin and Sushant would throw cut fruits and buttermilk/lassis midway to each of our kayaks, which would be our hydration break. I ended up loving the Mango lassi and had a couple of them.

Great weather and calmer waters (PC: Rakesh Rajan)

Great weather and calmer waters (PC: Rakesh Rajan)

It was while, I was in the water, that it occured to me seeing a fisherman on the land side, that they use a stick while we use a paddle. We sit and they stand on a boat. Someday, I’d like to understand this and know more about the forces that propel you in water on a boat. Maybe on the next trip! We parked our kayaks on the other side of the island and did a small hillock trek across the island to the beach side.

The peaceful coastal life in Mulki

The peaceful coastal life in Mulki


The group slowly walking to the beach side in Mulki

The group slowly walking to the beach side in Mulki

Here are some shots of the the beach, from the sky that I shot on my drone.

View of the Kayakboy Delta Point in Mulki. Opposite to this is the beach

View of the Kayakboy Delta Point in Mulki. Opposite to this is the beach

That's where we parked our kayaks on the island

That’s where we parked our kayaks on the island

And then, we made our way to the other side

And then, we made our way to the other side

View of the Delta with Shambavi River and the Arabian Sea in Mulki

View of the Delta with Shambavi River and the Arabian Sea in Mulki

The Group that went with Wandermile and Kayakboy

The Group that went with Wandermile and Kayakboy

Planning a Mulki Kayak Trip?

To do a similar trip like this, do check with Wandermile (Chennai Based) or with KayakBoy (based in Mulki). These guys are great to do a trip with. Like the saying goes, all good things have to come to an end, and this trip ends here!

Post Script

  • My dad came to Mulki in the morning. Our car was in bad shape. We drove it to Mangalore and gave it for repair. It maybe another 10 days, before I get to drive it back home. The oil sump needs replacement
  • I got home with family on a KSRTC bus that evening from Mangalore. Last minute KSRTC Sarige buses are bad for the back, what else could one expect on a long weekend, when most tickets are booked out 🙂
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